Thursday, September 25, 2008

flies on green and white anthurium

i am puzzled as to why the green and white anthurium seems to attract this particular species of flies. the peculiar thing is that when the spadix is green, you do not see any of these flies. the flies are attracted to the spadix when it turns white or beige.

i also realise that when the spadix is green, the spathe is also green and when the spadix turns white, the spathe changes likewise. the spathe is the hood-like bract found alongside the spadix.

(for victor's information, i took sometime to recall the name of this plant. i only found out when i visited hort park on 20 sept. as for the name 'spadix', i google image for anthurium and found it. just in case, you still do not believe i am not a 'boh terr ni' person.)


JollyGreenP said...

Taking time to remember names is what we call a "senior moment" here in the UK. Great picture though. The spadix probably emits a scent from the spadix when it is no longer greeen to attract flies for pollination. These sort of plants often emit smells of cadaverene one of the components of rotting flesh. I'll have to look up whether anyone has done any work on that.

JollyGreenP said...

a couple of links that you might find interesting on Anthurium

Wikipedia link to Araceae

An interesting set of pages on the progress of an inflorescence on an Anthurium regale Linden

I found this one so fascinating I almost missed my breakfast.

yg said...

john, thanks for referring me to the two websites. very fascinating, especially the titan arum, such a huge plant.

Victor said...

If you have named the species of flies, I would have also called you an entomology expert. :)