Monday, August 11, 2008

different stages of the tacca chantrieri flowers

the tacca chantrieri (black bat flower) at bukit batok nature park. the last time i saw flowers on the plants was in february this year. i think this plant likes some shade but plenty of moisture. it thrives where there is good circulation of air. the plant and its flowers seemed to wither during a period when there was no rain but they were soon revitalised when the rain came.

i came upon the same plants along the marang trail, near to the exit to harbourfront. some of them were also with flowers.

in malaysia, they call it the devil's flower.


JollyGreenP said...

What a fascinating looking flower.

yg said...

john, this plant is known simply as tacca. it can be grown indoors but i think it prefers some shade, sufficient moisture but cannot take overwatering and it thrives in a place where air circulation is good.

see, now i know a little more about it.