when we had our bath where all could see
used the monsoon drain as our lavatory
went about bare foot all day long
had on only one layer of garment
those were carefree days
when catching fighting spiders
chasing kites that went untethered
trapping longkang fish with our hands
threading for tubifex worms in the sand
gave us much more fun then
than enrichment and other
structured things of now
when playing cards and tikam tikam
inventing games with improvised stuff
climbing trees to grab the ripening fruit
shooting birds with home-made catapult
filled our carefree days with boundless fun
kampong days must have been happy ones
falling down (from climbing trees)
getting cuts (from going about bare foot)
were all part of growing up
riding bicycle
pedalling hard
until the chain slipped
and the bottom hit hard
raining days were even more fun
playing in the rain with kawan kawan
when water overflowed into the house
we had fun scooping and chucking the water around
those were the days
when 'why worry, be happy'
was our maxim for the day, every day
how we still hanker for those nostalgic days!
(on friday, as we walked the petai trail, three of us were reminiscing about our kampong days)
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