what fruit is this?

i just came back from kuching, the capital of sarawak. while there, i was treated to a banquet, local dishes, kueh kueh and fruit.
when someone bought these spiky fruit back from the market, i shied away from eating it because it was my first time seeing such a fruit. but when they pried open the rind, i realised that it was a tropical fruit which i am quite fond of.
i remember seeing quite a lot of this type of fruit on some trees by the roadside and in the compound of some houses when i went to kukup many years ago.
what is this fruit?

quite a number of people are not convinced that the fruit is mata kucing. i hope this picture of the seeds will be convincing enough.
Not lychee meh?
The locals call them the wild longan, a fruit from the jungle. They are still very common nowadays.
Eee... queasy stuff! :p
How big are they? Not custard apples meh?
i don't quite like custard apple because of the many seeds.
icemoon, it may be related to lychee but it is ot lychee.
The Hokkiens call it 青gangan or longan (龙眼). The local Malays and Ibans call it mata kuching ( cat's eye). I don't really quite like it because it is too sweet, very much sweeter than lychee.
Oh dear, I think you oldies must help me understand how can this be longan with its lychee looking skin.
icemoon, to convince you that it is really mata kucing, i will direct you to this blog
i think anonymous and pck are both either sarawakians or they have visited kuching a number of times. they were able to give the correct answer right away.
This is "leng khim" apple custard...
simPerBlog, 'leng khim' is a bigger fruit and the seeds of the leng khim are more like those of soursop. the australian and taiwanese custard apples are even bigger. the fruit shown is slightly bigger than a glass marble. you can actually find them growing in s'pore; i have seen mata kuching trees at hillview avenue, rifle range road and near the former turf club. our version is brown in colour.
yg after looking closer at the pic indeed it is not leng khim, sorry...
its mata kuching. isau in Iban. Green Longgan. Bot name; Dimocarpus longana variety malesianus.source:DOA Sarawak on wild fruits n vegetables.
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